This is Me – I am a STEM Ambassador

STEM Ambassadors are inspirational, enthusiastic and ready to support young people to engage with all things STEM. However, sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. Wouldn’t it be great to have a nice, straightforward activity to get going with your volunteering?

Look no further than This is Me – I am a STEM Ambassador!

Simply put, this is a short, impactful PowerPoint presentation about YOU – your job, career path or passion. Just 2-3 slides of pictures (and a few key words) that can be delivered in 3 minutes, time and time again.

This is Me presentations are something simple that schools want which will save you time, support your volunteering journey and help you engage easily with young people.

Training sessions are delivered regularly and links to sign up can be found on the Training Hub of the STEM Ambassadors Community here. You can also join the This is Me Community Group, where you can find resources and ask for feedback on your presentation.

Take a look at the example slides attached.
